Saturday, March 11, 2006

Willow update..........

Just wanted to let you all know that Willow seems to be doing well. Still not herself but I bet by the end of the weekend she should be back to her bouncy self. She didn't eat much today but what she did eat she has kept down. She was bright eyed and alert today just really drowsy and lazy. ( I think she is just wiped out from being so sick) She got up during the night and had a accident, out of all places in my youngest daughters bedroom on the carpet...strange? I wonder what made her go there?oh well not a big deal to me I have spray and cleaner for Puppy Accidents so a little spray , scrub-brush and elbow grease did the job. Anyway my hubby and I went out for Dinner tonight and I felt bad leaving her home alone not feeling well so ...Don't laugh...................I moved her crate in front of the TV and turned the Animal Planet channel on for her to watch while we were gone...( My hubby to me I am crossing the line!)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Not a Good Day...More like a scary day.....

Not a good day today......Our day started out as normal as our usual day. Went to work, came home gave Willow her afternoon dose of her Allergy meds. and gave her a bath with her special shampoo that she needs once a week for her Allergies. She shivered through the whole thing.( Not like her at all she loves her Puggy Tubbys) I dried her off and noticed she was not herself. I let her alone to give her time to rest. I went about my business and did housework and Willow is always at my feet and she was no where to be found. this is maybe 30-45 minutes later. I found her unresponsive downstairs in my daughters room defecating and surrounded in vomit. Cold to touch and very lethargic. I carried her upstairs to the living room and she continued to vomit and defecate. I was frantic! I called my husband home right away Crying like a child ( Good thing her works a hop skip and a jump from our home. ) I called her vet, they said to bring her right in, I wrapped her up in a warm blanket and loved her and told her that everything was going to be ok........she was like holding a bucket of rocks....and she was very limp. of course I am fearing the worst, I look over my Hubby has tears in his eyes telling her to hang in there....The vet is only about 7 min from here but it seemed to take forever...we finally arrived the Nurse met us at the door and she litterly whisked her away and brought her out back......during the time she was with the Doctors I was drilling my mind to think if there was something she got into and ate....if I gave her new meds to her wrong.....I was going crazy. The vet has a huge Collage of pictures of all there patients and I saw so many pictures of Willow as a pup to present. It was killing me to look at the pictures. not knowing what was going on out she going to make it? is she going to be able to come home? I was talking a mile a minute...out of nerves and I didn't want to cry so I talked talked and talked. Marlene (The Nurse) came out to meet with us she said Willow's body temp has dropped and is having a severe reaction to either the vaccinations or the new meds she is on. Unsure to what gave her the reaction so they injected some form of a slow release gel behind her neck. ( looks like a water balloon) this will dilute and flush out the medication that is giving her the reaction. They observed her and felt that she indeed was extremely ill but allowed us to bring her back home to watch and hoping being in her home she will be more comfortable. Scared to death we brought her home they also said to place her near heat to keep her warm from her body temp dropping. so here I am watching willow trying to get her to drink some water she drank a little but, all she wants to do is sleep.....we keep the crate door open but she refuses to came out. I did take her out and cradled her and talked to her gave her loves the gel on the back of her neck is the strangest feeling and it looks bazaar but it seems to be working. she is looking better and is alert but, to weak to want to come out. I can't even begin to tell you how scared we were...we almost lost our Willow. We have to bring her back tomorrow for them to check her over. So far so good we think she is in the clear. Looks like we will be okay for the night. actually as I am writing this and My husband and a friend came home and Willow barked and came out of her crate now she is up here beside me on the sofa. Fewwww! I am feeling a little bit better having her up and beside me.I hope this never happens again. The hardest thing is not knowing what gave her the reactions in 4 weeks I have to start her on her new meds again and play the waiting game....if she does well we know it was one of 3 of her vaccinations. then again she was vacationed last year and this never happened. I am quiet worried to try the meds again.....I will keep you all posted on her......

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Vet trip and Take out from KFC

Willow had a Doctor appointment today.....Rabies shot, heart worm test and trying to figure out what we can do to make her more comfortable from her awful skin allergies..those of you who don't know Willow has a severe allergy to PROTEIN....along with 14 others. anyway she weighs 18.8 lbs. Negative for heart-worms and healthy. just itchy from those darn allergies, so her Dr. prescribed her a new medication witch I was all for...anything to help her feel better, poor thing goes into a itching I agrees to try this new medication. he also put her on a medicated ointment for her Wrinkles...they get so soar. I was Psyched that she was on new meds. and Optimistic that she will be feeling better soon....The Kicker.......the bill..can I say Cha CHINGGGGGG! Ouch! are you ready for this???? okay.......$247&change. ya....the new Allergies meds he has her on was $115.00 and this was just enough for a if it works I will have this payment along with my New Mortgage payment and car payment......UGGGG! So now I am really entertaining the idea of Pet Insurance But she is my Kid so I will do what ever it takes to make her comfy. So anyway here is a photo of Willow with her flashy Bandage she got after her Bloodwork..........She Likes pink.
Not helping her allergies but Willow found a few crumbs left from Dinner...
Where's Belle? I think she found a crumb the Willow missed! Gottta Love KFC!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Watch Pug On Duty......

Willow Looking out for her Sister making sure the Cats don't come around.....They seem to think she is a Kitty Toy. Pretty soon Belle will be big enough to join Willow in a game of....Chase the cats through the House! Then Willow wont have to stand guard.

Monday, March 06, 2006

I Love my new Sister.....

Finally....! Willow and Belle can have play time together. Willow is understanding that Belle is a lot smaller than her. Yet she still plays rough but knows her boundaries with Belle. There was a few times where I had to get in and break up the fun. but they were back at it in no time. I guess Willow is teaching her sis things a Human Mom can't. So I let them go and do their thing but watch on the side line and ref. She should sleep well tonight! Yes Belle these are the shoes that we aren't supposed to chew on, Besides it looks like our Human sister got hers all wet and Muddy..Yuckkkk! :p
A game of Hide 'n Seek.............I sniffed you out Belle, Don't tell Mom you hid in the Dog Food Bin!
WHOOT HOOO...Look what our Human sister got for us out of the Claw machine at Wal Mart! a Pink Monkey we can play Tug o War with!
I love my new sis but I need a break.....Nothing like the warm Morning sun on my face......Excuse me while I rest my Precious face.....