**Willow** was Born 10-17-04 Fawn Female Pug, the Best and the sweetest Pug, I don't know what I ever did before she came into my life at the sweet age of 8 weeks old. **Belle** who was Born on Jan.3, 2006 she is a Love she is what we needed to complete our family... Enjoy WillowBelle's page!
These pictures of Willow and Belle getting along are so adorable.
Willow is also probably letting Belle know she is and will remain the alpha female in the pack.
At first Bandit was real careful with Paisley, but know figures if she can dish it out, she can take it.....lol.
Glad Willow is basking in the sunlight, she needs a soothing break after playing with a younger sis.
Paula http://pugsalicious.typepad.com
what great actions shots - you're such a lucky pug momma!
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