Saturday, March 04, 2006

Willow is coming around, she is finding her Baby Sister isn't so bad after all......

Finally....Willow is coming around although she is still a bit rough with Belle. I always thought Willow was always so small and a Petite Pug..that was until Belle was introduced to Willow. now Willow is SO heavy and big! so today that had a lot more time to get acquainted without the gate, the played in the kitchen where we could first it went well then Willow got to excited and pushed Belle around and pounced on her pretty good, so back to playing on each side of the gate.
It is funny...everytime we have a visitor Willow will go to the visitor jump up and then will run to where Belle is..Like she is trying to tell them about Belle...after a few minutes she will come back and do it all over again until they go and check out Belle...It is almost like Willow is proud and wants to show her off.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Hair Night.....

Belle found a new friend!!!!! Herself!! Poor Willow is being kept prisoner in her crate, she is still too rough with Belle. so Willow had to sit on the sidelines while Belle got acquainted with herself in the mirror.

My youngest daughter was a bit sad knowing that she wasn't able to go to the movies with her big sister and friend. After we dropped the older girls off at the movies we had to run to the Pharmacy and she found some sponge rollers that she thought she needed..hoping to take the sad look off her face I agreed to get them for her. as you can see the first picture she is still a bit sad and the last picture she has a instant smile.........I will try to take a picture of her tomorrow that is if she can sleep with them in (ouchhh!) if so hopefully she will have curls. after we finished she said doing her hair was more fun than the movies. just a memory I hope she will hold onto..( spending time with Mom)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Belle seems to be adjusting just fine....she keeps herself busy and found out she can bark..too Funny. it is so muffled and soft, she barks at her toy pig then swats at it, Still off balance she usually falls over. Here is picture of her nibbling on Willow's ear. Poor Willow all she wanted to do is sleep and Belle just wanted to play. I told Willow that her sister had me up about 4-5 times during the night so she must of told Miles and they both helped me out with the dishes.........

Willow must of found a spot that Miles missed.....a little gravy maybe :0) A fresh load of laundry..........
Belle is hoping that I don't mistake her for Laundry and that I don't fold her up and put her in the drawer.....

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Getting settled in.............

Getting ready for bed on her first night at home .................I love her so much I wish I could fit in her crate with her. I can't wait till she is big enough to snuggle up in bed with Me and Willow......

Welcome Home Belle......

Here is Belle on our Long Journey home..about 1 hour 45 minutes away, she did well she loves to lick and nibble on you fingers. I Think she must have had a Heineken before we picked her up..her Puppy Breath smells similar to daughters said it smells like a skunk...either way stinky breath or not she is a KEEPER....
This is Belle with her Big Human Sister for the first time...I think my daughter has a permanent smile
Belle with Her other Human Sister for the first time..My daughter couldn't believe her eyes...she asked me if she was for her....I said no she is mine but I will share.
Belle and me...excuse my short shirt Belle had a snag with her pack paw and tugged onto my sweater..anyway I couldn't resist this picture due to her Tongue sticking out....You can see I have her crate and pen in our master Bath because Willow and Miles (our lab.) keep jumping on the gate about not leaving her alone so I thought she would do better in a quite place. so far so good.

Finally Willow gets to be with her sister, Poor Belle, All Willow wants is to play but she is a little to rough, she(willow) pawed her pretty good so we will have to be around to observe. Belle has such a great personalty. She is a Hoot. a little uncoordinated but funny to watch...she tries so hard to walk but is so off balance she is all over the place. Funny :0) she grunts, she squeaks, and smells so sweet. She is a Love..I am glad she's home. oh also she has made it to her potty pad each time accidents today.!!! Yippee!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Last day Just the 2 of us......

Me and Willow enjoying our last day of Just being us.....she is reading an e-mail from our breeder updating us on Belle......
Willow is trying to send her new baby sister some Pug-Mail Willow getting her rest to make sure she is well rested to show her sister all the things Puppies need to learn.....

On another note..............this is our back yard and if you look closely...the 2 black dots in the field are Deer.....Brave little is below zero.