Getting ready for bed on her first night at home .................I love her so much I wish I could fit in her crate with her. I can't wait till she is big enough to snuggle up in bed with Me and Willow......
**Willow** was Born 10-17-04 Fawn Female Pug, the Best and the sweetest Pug, I don't know what I ever did before she came into my life at the sweet age of 8 weeks old. **Belle** who was Born on Jan.3, 2006 she is a Love she is what we needed to complete our family... Enjoy WillowBelle's page!
I wish I could reach through this computer and get her in my hands...what a doll baby.
To: Ragus Pug's Mama....
Ya she is a cutie, I can't believe how FLAT her face is, she has one big roll over her nose...she is such a Love........
Thank you :o)
It's been a long time waiting to see the face behind the stories! We hope you have a very happy and healthy life with Willow and all of your humans!!! It's nice to see you have a sae journey to your new forever home!
Oh Belle, you are a sweetiepie! Hard to believe all the puggys start out that small! Enjoy your newest addition!
OH! How sweet. She looks like a tiny little stuffed animal!
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