Lazy day today as you can see, we just rolled outta bed. My daughter took the camera and actually took this picture. Pretty good for being 7years old! Anyway we had a wind storm yesterday winds up to 60+ mph took more than 100,000 outages reported, My parents are one of them, so far it has been over 24 hours and they may not get power until Monday evening, The good thing is they are leaving today for their annual Caribbean Cruise, So My Husband will go over to check to make sure there are no frozen pipes. So he( My hubby) is looking for a Kerosene heater to place in there basement to make sure they don't freeze. it is -5* right now...BRRRRRRR! So hopefully the power will be on soon. Thank Goodness it wasn't us, My Daughter is Happy she had a Dentist app. that got canceled due to no power. So Lazy days here is NH. Willow Naughty girl...she doesn't like the wind and the cold so she has found a nice place to go potty.....in my daughters bathroom on the bath mat...yup! 3 times now so, the bath mat is once again in the wash. I hope this won't last. she usually doesn't do this but I notice when I bring her out to pee she picks up her feet one at a time because they are so cold. I too am bouncing to keep warm so I think some of the indoor potty thing is my fault too cuz I am to cold to wait for her to finish.....Keep warm to those who live in the colder climate!
That's a true baby pose there. What a nice thing to look forward to every winter...a cruise to warm, sunny locations with boat drinks...as Jimmy Buffet sings about.
Brr...it is really cold here too. :o( Looks like you gals are staying comfy tho. :D
I am hosting weekend dog blogging again this weekend...shoot me an email if you want to participate! :o)
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