Friday, February 24, 2006

I went Baby Belle Shopping......

Almost time! 3 1/2 days to go. My daughters still have no idea on Belle so they have been with their Grandparents for the past couple days so this was a good time for me to get a few more items before Belle's arrival. I found these ceramic pink heart dishes 1/2 off at TARGET 2 for a Dollar....OMG what a deal. better than spending $15.00 or more for a set at the Pet Supply store. Gotta have the Potty Pads and I got her a cute new bed, a baby toy from the baby Dept.

This is a dog Crate that My Friend Denise got for Willow when she was just a pup. So Willow has outgrown it and it will be passed down to Belle. This is a perfect size for the first few months. Especially when going in the car, the vet. It is the cutest thing. I love the PRISON door..LOL Now all we need is Baby Belle.......


Dave said...

What a wonderful suprise for your girls. Have loads of fun with your new addition.

-Pyrite's peep

Punchbugpug said...

You better go get more puppy pads than that! haha We're wishing here that the weather would get warmer so baby Rosie can do "potty outside"! Good luck!

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

Ya I know the feeling and to think so far today we already have about 4-5 inches of snow and it is still coming down. I hope it isn't snowing down your end so Little Rosie won't have a chilly belly! as for the Potty Pads...I had a few packages left from Willow being trained and I figured I wouldn't use them again and I used then for a protector for the floor when I did some painting....I guess I should of used old newspaper. I will get some at BJ's Club in Bulk.

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! <3 <3

I've added you to Abby's blog friends!


My Pugs Blogger said...

I can't wait for you to bring Belle home!! How exciting! You forget how small your puggie was when they were a babe - they grow so fast. Belle looks like she will be spoiled - I can't wait to see the pics